Great Fundraising Organizations published to help nonprofits grow their income and impact

Cover of Great Fundraising Organizations, by Alan Clayton

In ‘Great Fundraising Organizations’, published by Wiley, charity and nonprofit consultant Alan Clayton delivers a proven blueprint for charities and nonprofits worldwide to scale their fundraising efforts and their effectiveness.

Based on data gathered over 20 years of work with more than 500 organisations including Unicef and WWF, this book explains exactly what works and why, revealing to readers the rigorously researched mindsets, strategies, and practices in use by Great Fundraising Organizations (GFOs)―rare organisations that have the ability to unlock the fundraising revenue they need to meet or exceed performance and mission goals.

The book offers hope to fundraisers and charity leaders at all kinds of charity at a time when they need it.

It demonstrates that many organisations are still growing their fundraising. Worldwide. In all markets. They are not ‘bucking the trend.’ Their leadership still believes in fundraising growth and the decisions that drive it. They are still action-focused and unafraid. Their growth rates are the same as they were pre-COVID and remote working.

The first book on the “business of fundraising”

Alan Clayton comments:

“It is those organisations we have worked with and researched in forensic detail. We have identified the key behaviours that make them different and guarantee success. These behaviours are the same, independent of country, culture, cause or size.

“Growth starts with unequivocal belief in fundraising. Belief comes from knowing exactly what to do: where to start and how to keep going. It starts with the leadership, not just of fundraising but of the whole organisation.

He adds, in his signature confident, accessible and humorous style:

“How would you feel if your whole organisation believed in fundraising – as a force for good in its own right and to drive organisational growth and progress towards fulfilling your purpose?”

This book delivers everything readers need to fundraise more effectively with certainty, clarity, and confidence.

The demand for this book has already been demonstrated by pre-sales, and even more so when the initial print run sold out on its first day. The book is now available globally.

Great Fundraising Organizations can be purchased from a wide range of book-sellers around the world.

International book launch events

Reflecting its global relevance and case study content, the book is being launched to nonprofit leaders and fundraisers in several countries, with more locations and dates to be annouced.

  • 11 February: Helsinki, Finland
  • 12 February: Oslo, Norway
  • 17 February: London, UK
  • 18 February: Loch Lomond, Scotland
  • 12 March: Dublin, Ireland

Book details

Title: Great Fundraising Organizations: Why and How The World’s Best Charities Excel at Raising Money

Publisher: ‎ Wiley; 1st edition (29 January 2025)

Language: ‎ English

Hardcover : ‎ 288 pages

ISBN-10: ‎ 139427825X

ISBN-13: ‎ 978-1394278251

Also available in Kindle format on Amazon.


The book has attracted reviews from a wide range of fundraising and charity leaders, philanthropy researchers and consultants.

"This is a ground breaking contribution in advancing fundraising knowledge - one which will literally put the 'Great' back into fundraising and help future proof our discipline. We look forward to seeing how this book compliments our approach to training the next generation of charity leaders. A must read not only for fundraisers but any charity leader serious about future proofing income generation."
Dr Haseeb Shabbir
Program Lead for MSc in Charity Marketing and Fundraising. Centre for Charity Effectiveness,
Bayes Business School
"This isn't just a book for fundraisers — although every serious fundraiser should buy, read and re-read and heed. It's for anyone who's tried to change something and wondered why it's so hard. It's for leaders who feel stuck, for teams who've lost their way. It's for anyone who's looked at the world and thought, "There has to be a better way"."
Roger Craver
The Agitator
"The book gives the prescription for change. Any organization that has the will and the leadership for change can do it. I hope more will. We need Great Fundraising Organizations."
Jeff Brooks
Fundraisingologist at Moceanic
"If you want to learn the keys to unlocking how to be a great
fundraising organisation including how to bridge the divide between fundraising and other functions in nonprofit organisations, then Alan Clayton's Great Fundraising Organisations is a must read."
Katherine Raskob
Chief Executive Officer
Fundraising Institute Australia