Reviews of Great Fundraising Organizations

Great Fundraising Organizations was published in January 2025. Here are the reviews and coverage of the book and its launch that we have spotted.

If we’ve missed one – perhaps yours! – let us know and we’ll add it here.

Roger Craver

In his review for the Agitator Roger Craver writes:

“Alan Clayton doesn’t promise easy answers. What he offers is a path—a way to take what’s broken and make it whole. The Red Dot isn’t magic. It’s work. But it’s work that matters.

“Because in the end, this isn’t just a book about fundraising. It’s a book about making the world a better place. Faster. And isn’t that what we’re all trying to do?”

Jeff Brooks

The Fundraisingologist at Moceanic shares his response to Great Fundraising Organizations.

He says:

“The book gives the prescription for change. Any organization that has the will and the leadership for change can do it. I hope more will. We need Great Fundraising Organizations.”

More reviews

You can find more reviews on:

  • the Revolutionise announcement of the book, including from
    • Professor Adrian Sargeant, Institute for Sustainable Philanthropy
    • Emma Malcolm, Director of Fundraising & Marketing, Macular Society
    • Alex Hyde-Smith, Chief Marketing Officer, Alzheimer’s Society
    • Dr Haseeb Shabbir, Program Lead for MSc in Charity Marketing and Fundraising, Centre for Charity Effectives, Bayes Business School
    • Martin Giménez Rébora, Gerente de Movilización de Recursos, UNICEF Argentina
    • Russell N James III, JD PhD CFP, Professor and CH Foundation Chair in Personal Financial Planning, Director of Graduate Studies in Charitable Planning, Texas Tech University
  • Amazon UK’s listing of the book
  • Fundraising World UK‘s listing of the book on its fundraising bookshop

More on the book